
Hi! My Name Is Gilbert

Gilbert is aggressive towards my cats and as a result I have had to keep the cats separated from him. He is scared of loud noises and is easily startled. If he gets into the cat food or garbage he can become aggressive when being taken away from it. He growls and will not surrender it. He constantly pesters you to have his ball thrown over and over again. I adopted him from my cousin who had a new baby and Gilbert was barking whenever the baby would cry and jumped up to try and see the baby. He was in a small townhouse in Kitchener and had little room to run. I had sympathy for the situation and took Gilbert in. I am a 60 year old widow and have always had a dog in my life. I did not have a dog for 3 years or so after my last dog died. I live on a farm and knew that this would be a much better place for him and thought it would be nice to have a dog again. I hoped that he would be easy to handle but this is not the case. I am afraid that he will harm my cats. He chases squirrels and chipmunks and has killed a baby racoon.

  • Retriever - Black Labrador & Shepherd - German
  • Male
  • 5 Years OldMy DoB is 01/12/2020
  • Over 100 Pounds
  • Black
  • Active and Playful
  • I Don't Like Small Animals
  • I Have Not Been Tested with Farm Animals
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