Barks and Meows Rescue introduces Freddie. He is a 4-year-old Black Mouth Cur/American Bulldog mix. He weighs 87lbs. He has a short hair coat and was an owner surrender. Four years ago, Freddie was born to Mommy Gracie at Barks and Meows Rescue. His family adopted him at 8 weeks of age. The family had a lovely female boxer named Molly and children that had grown and married. Over the last 4 years, Barks and Meows Rescue have babysat both Freddie and his sister Molly. They were a very bonded pair. They were quite well behaved, though Molly was very high energy and could plow through a crowd like a bull in a china shop. Both dogs were always so happy and Molly was the leader, Freddie the follower. This month there was an incident in the family's home. The next-door neighbour, whom Freddie and Molly have met many times without issue, was mowing his lawn along the fenceline. Both Molly and Freddie were running back and forth barking at him. Their fence is a 4 ft high chain link. Both dogs were very wound up. Freddie stood on his back legs, reached over, and grabbed the arm of the neighbour. The neighbour was fine, and the bite did not break the skin. The neighbour's wife is a nurse and said he was fine and not to worry. Freddie's family was shocked and horrified. They talked over the situation with each other and decided to surrender Freddie back. This family gave up on Freddie. It was obviously a redirection of aggression due to the lawnmower and he obviously doesn't like the sound of the lawnmower and felt threatened by it. We discussed the issue and offered the assistance of our trainer to deal with at no cost but they refused any offers of assistance. We were very upset that this family gave up on this fantastic boy for a reason that was so manageable. They could have extended their fence, they could have crated him if worried, but of course never did crate train him. They could have taken him to obedience training, There were several resources at their fingertips and they did not even wish to discuss them with us. Freddie's family never walked their dogs. They had a large fenced yard for them to play in. When we took Freddie to the park for pictures, he was quite shy with the people around him, as he was not used to be outside of the yard. That is the reason for his ears being back in his photos. He was a very good boy for anyone that came up to meet him. He is fantastic in his foster home with other dogs in the home and enjoys their company. We are thankful that he was used to going to the foster home over the years, making the transition easier on him. Freddie listens very well. He just wants to please. He is in excellent shape, at the optimum weight, He is very quiet and never barks in the foster home. He enjoys laying on a couch or a doggie bed. He is currently fed Hills Science Diet Perfect Weight. He is a fairly fussy eater. In his previous home, he was on Apoquel for skin allergies during the summer months. He does not need medication and never has, out in the country at this foster home. We have seen the city bring out the worst in allergy concerns in dogs but in the country its a different story. Freddie is a gorgeous specimen of a dog. He is large but not massive in girth or head like a pure American Bulldog. He is a very good mix of both breeds. This dog has zero issues in his foster home. He would love to go to Obedience Training, we are sure of that, and learn that he too can be a leader and not rely on a sibling to make decisions. The ideal home for our Freddie is one where he is taken for two walks a day. He will require another socialized dog in the home, not necessarily a playmate, but a companion. This is a requirement as he has always lived in a home with another dog. A female dog would be best only because that is what he was used to but a male would be fine as well. He is great with all sizes of dogs. We would recommend enrolling him in obedience so he can have one-on-one time with his owners and show his family how very smart he is. If you love big dogs, you will absolutely adore Freddie. Freddie is neutered, up to date with vaccines, on heartworm/flea/tick prevention and 4dx tested negative. A fully wooden fenced backyard, a Veterinarian History of Compliance, and another socialized canine companion are mandatory to apply for Freddie.