
Hi! My Name Is Ferris

I'm Available

Barks and Meows Rescue introduces Ferris.  He is a adorable Shepherd mix puppy that was found with 3 siblings locally. They were most likely dumped. He weighs about 10lbs currently and was born on July 31. Both he and his sister Sapphire were taken in by our Rescue.  Ferris has short hair currently and are estimated to be medium size dogs when fully grown.

Ferris and his sister are incredible smart.  They learned their names within an hour of having named them.  They really focus well, a typical trait of the Shepherd.  They are already crated trained and are fed together in an extra large crate.  They are eating Royal Canin Labrador Puppy food 3 times daily and are growing very quickly.

Ferris is a follower not a leader.  He has gained confidence from watching his sister, mingle with the other foster dogs in the home.  He is cautious but very loving and sweet.  They know how to sit on command and come inside when playtime is over.  They both love toys, all kinds.  They haven't figured out what bully sticks are for yet, but will in time.

They are both quiet thus far, only barking in the morning when its time to come out of their crate.  They are incredible clean and hold their bladders for the entire night. They ride well in their crate in the vehicle and do not get carsick.  

The ideal home Ferris would be one where the family members are home quite a bit in order to spend time with him on stimulating activities. We are looking for families who will take them through at least one level of obedience.  This breed requires a job to do, so further obdience lessons or agility would ensure they grown into the best dogs they can be.  Another resident socialized female dog would benefit Ferris in order for him to continue his gaining confidence.

Ferris has had two set of vaccines, has been dewormed, is on flea tick heartworm prevention and has been microchipped.

A fully fenced yard or a farm is mandatory to apply for our Ferris.

Thank you Stephen Taylor Photography for all his amazing photos!

  • Shepherd - German & Mix
  • Male
  • 7 Months OldMy DoB is 07/31/2024
  • 10 - 20 Pounds
  • Tan & Black
  • Active and Playful
  • I Like All Kids
  • I Like All Dogs
  • Not Tested With Cats
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