Barks and Meows Rescue introduces Bear. He is 3 years old and is a Husky/Shepherd mix. He weighs 65lbs. He has a medium hair coat. Bear was surrendered to our Rescue after his family fell on difficult times and he and the other unneutered males in the home were not getting along. Multiple dogs in an apartment didn't work for this guy. He is doing fabulous in a multi dog foster home currently. His previous foster home crate trained him and did well with the kids 12-16. Bear only uses a crate for feeding as he is not destructive and fully housebroken. He still pulls a bit on his walk if he sees a squirrel, and is a very strong solid boy. He is allowed on the furniture and basically sleeps where he wants, on the furniture, on the dog bed, in his crate, or sometimes on the floor in his foster parent's room. Bear is a nice family dog. He can be dog selective with other males but has had zero issues with the males in his foster home. He loves to give kisses and cuddles. He will bark if someone comes to the door, typical of his breed mix. He rides well in the vehicle. He has been great with children ages 6 and over as per his previous owners. He is a wonderful family dog. Bear has leash aggression on a leash so he should be signed up with a trainer to assist with this. The ideal home for our Bear is one where he is not left alone very often. He is used to having another dog around him all the time. An indoor farm dog life would work well for him. Since he is on the timid side, we would recommend more of a quiet home and one not based in the heart of the city. As of late, he is very protective of the family members on walks. If he were to be adopted to a non-farm environment, the family would have to commit immediately to working with a private trainer regarding this protective behavior. Since he is known to chase cats, a cat-free home is best. He is a calm, quiet boy. Bear is now neutered, up to date with vaccines, 4DX tested negative and is on heartworm prevention/flea/tick prevention until December. A large fully fenced yard if in town, or farm property. as well as a Veterinarian History of Compliance are mandatory to apply for Bear.