Hi! My Name Is Robin
We're happy to tell you that
Robin has a new furever home.
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Barks and Meows Rescue introduces Robin. He is one of 6 puppies born October 18, 2020, to Mommy Disco. There were 3 girls and 3 boys in the litter. He is expected not to exceed his Mom's weight of 13lbs when full grown. He is a Dachshund Terrier Mix. Robin currently has a smooth coat but that may change as Mommy's coat is wirey. This litter is not hypoallergenic and will shed. Mommy Disco was rescued from a hoarding situation where there were 21 unaltered dogs pulled from the one home. There were Doxie mixes, Terrier Mixes, and Chihuahua mixes. Even Disco's Mom, Hazel, was pregnant. We do not know who the father is but are suspecting these wee ones have Chihuahua in them. Robin just loves to play with his siblings and toys. He is very affectionate with his foster family. He loves attention and to be picked up. At 8 weeks of age at his vet appointment, he weighed 1.3 kg at 8 weeks. This litter is very quiet as Mommy Disco is as well. They are eating Royal Canin Extra Small size puppy food and still nursing occasionally. They are pee-pee pad trained and love all sorts of toys. This group was fantastic in the bathtub for us. They have had their first set of vaccines but were too small to microchip so it will be done at their spay/neuter appointment. They all have a clean bill of health, with no heart murmur or hernia concerns. They will require a booster in 3 weeks and their rabies at 16 weeks of age. They must be spayed and neutered by 6 months as per our contract. A family with another socialized young dog of the opposite sex would be an asset. A fully fenced yard and a Veterinarian history of Vaccines is mandatory to apply for this litter. If there are children in the home, they must be a minimum of 8 years of age.