
Hi! My Name Is Praline

I'm Available

Barks and Meows Rescue introduces Praline.  She was found by a shelter, assumed dumped by a backyard breeder and could be the same breeder as the husky/St Bernard litter we currently have up for adoption (Ripple, Pecan and Caramel).  Praline has some Husky in her and some other large breed which could be St. Bernard.  She is getting big and heavy.  Praline has a very soft fluffy coat medium length at this point,  She weighs currently about 27lbs.    We estimate her to reach 75 lbs when fully grown.

Praline arrived in our Rescue never having been handled or touched by her backyard breeder.  Within 5 days, she had bonded with her foster Mom and learned to trust the foster family by watching their own dogs interact in the home. Praline listens very well.  She learns new tasks and routines quickly.  She runs to her crate when it is time to eat.  She has a huge appetite and would eat until she was sick if you let her.  Her food is measured out twice daily and she is currently eating Royal Canin Labrador Puppy food.

Praline is now used to being bathed.  She likes water and is more relaxed during the process then she used to be.  She plays well with the other dogs in the home but not having come with any siblings, is more independent than other pups.  Praline loves toys, especially rope toys she can play tug of war with.  She is both paper trained and will go outside.  With her thick fluffy coat, she loves being outside.  She will get warm in the summer so won't be able to handle the hot weather outside.    We crate her in the vehicle and she does well as long as she doesn't eat 5 hours beforehand.  

She has not been on a leash at this point so her new family will need to take on this new adventure for her.  We believe she will eventually be an alpha female so if her new family has another dog, she will want to be the leader.

Older children in her new home would be fine.  She is fearless and will stand up to any dog of any size who she feels has done her wrong, so being the only dog in the home would work.  Outdoor time in the cooler winter will be important and brushing her daily is a must.  She doesn't have the stubborn streak that Husky's can present but having her in obedience classes will be important for her to learn manners and continued socialization.  She is much loved at our Veterinarian Clinic both because of her loving personality and her demeanor.

Praline is up to date with all3 sets of vaccines and dewormed. On January 9th, she weighed 16.2 kg,

A fully fenced yard is mandatory to apply for our Praline.  

Thank you to Melissa Caron Photography for these darling photos.


  • Husky & Mix
  • Female
  • 7 Months OldMy DoB is 08/06/2024 (Estimated)
  • 31 - 40 Pounds
  • Buff & Black
  • Active and Playful
  • I Like All Kids
  • I Like All Dogs
  • Not Tested With Cats
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