Barks and Meows Rescue introduces Hazel. She is one of 6 puppies born to Mommy Zoey on April 30. There were 5 girls and 1 male in the litter. Zoey is a Bull Mastiff. There were two males in the home, one was a mastiff, and one was a shepherd. In Hazel's case, we believe the Daddy was the Shepherd. Hazel has a medium length coat. We believe she will reach 65 pounds plus when fully mature.
Hazel is very social with people and her siblings. Their mom stopped nursing at 3 1/2 weeks so their foster Mom has fed them since then. They are currently eating Acana Large Breed Puppy. Hazel enjoys her meal time and is fed 3 times daily. She has a lovely loving personality and really bonds quickly with her caretaker. She can be a bit bossy when playing with her siblings, but they love her just the same.
Hazel really loves playing outdoors. She can often be found exploring the yard and lying in the grass chewing on sticks. Hazel is partial to stuffie toys. She runs around with them in her mouth avoiding her siblings. She is so proud of herself when she has one of her favourite toys in her mouth. She is so adorable and sweet.
Mommy Zoey has not been vetted yet but she's probably close to 100 lbs. She is solid and loving. At this point, all the pups have her temperament which is a quiet one and calm. The ideal home for our Hazel is one where she has members of a family who provide her with attention and physical affection. She loves being picked up for hugs. Obedience classes is important with this breed mix as the Mastiff breed can be stubborn. Learning to walk on a leash will be a new adventure for her. Currently she is only crated when in the vehicle
Hazel had her first set of vaccines on July 10 and weighed 10.5 kg.
A fully fenced yard is mandatory to apply for our Hazel.
Thank you to Steph
Thank you to all of these beautiful studio photos.