Hi! My Name Is Frisbee
We're happy to tell you that
Frisbee has a new furever home.
Please visit our
Available Dogs Page to see the pups currently available.
Barks and Meows Rescue introduces Frisbee. She is one of 8 pups born to Mommy Genny on Feb 17, 2020 (Family Day). Mommy Genny was pulled by our Rescue already pregnant. She is a Foxhound and we believe Dad is most likely a Heeler/Border Collie mix. There are 3 males and 5 females in the litter. This litter will be medium size dogs when fully grown, under 60lbs. Frisbee is quite the social butterfly. She loves playing with her siblings and loves to be handled by her foster family. She has come out of her shell over the last week and is always available for fun and games. This litter is a very quiet one. The reason is that Mommy Genny is very timid and quiet. They always take on the traits of their Mom. Mommy Genny fed continue to help feed them right up until they were 6 weeks old. Currently, they are on Royal Canin Veterinarian Development formula. They receive pumpkin in their diet twice daily. Feedings occur 4 times a day. They are paper trained and we found that using newspapers does best as they were eating the pee-pee pads! They now have full reign of the whelping room and tend to continue to sleep together in the whelping box. They love playing with all sorts of toys and have heeler in them. They all tend to nip at your heels which is not a hound dog trait. They have been thoroughly dewormed every two weeks since birth. On Tuesday, April 14, the litter will have their first set of vaccines, including Bordetella. They will have their health exam and will be checked for heart murmurs and hernias. They will be ready to go to their new homes after that date. Due to the COVID 19 pandemic, our adoption meet and greet process has changed. The specifics of the process will be discussed with the approved applicants. A fully fenced yard and a Veterinarian History of Compliance is mandatory to apply for Frisbee. Please do state your first, second and third choices of pups on the application.