Hi! My Name Is Claret
We're happy to tell you that
Claret has a new furever home.
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Barks and Meows Rescue introduces Claret. She is one of 7 puppies born in Merlot's litter on March 21, 2021. There are 4 girls and 3 boys in the litter. Mommy Merlot is a lab/Terrier and the father of the litter is a blue heeler. They have medium-length coats. In this litter, we know for a fact that the father is a Blue Heeler because the owner of Merlot who surrendered her to Rescue, advised the neighbor's Blue Heeler kept getting her pregnant. This was the reason for surrendering her already pregnant. Merlot has been a terrific Mom. She has kept them clean and well-fed. She is also one of the few moms we have seen actually play with her pups regularly, teaching them how to play with toys etc. Mommy Merlot is only about two so very playful herself. Claret is the heaviest of all the females. She is very focused and watches and learns all the time. She adores her foster Mom and is like her shadow. If her Foster Mom is in the room, she has no interest in playing with her siblings. Claret is the only one with Blue eyes and long white whiskers at this point. She doesn't have any "nipping at your heels" tendencies yet" but we suspect strongly this trait will eventually come out. Claret and her siblings all have Merlot's heart and good nature. This litter has been on Hills Science Diet Puppy food, but more recently Royal Canin Medium Breed Puppy once it arrived back in the stores. (our preferred brand). Currently, they are free fed and are eating and drinking well. They are all talkers when they play and a few have recently learned to bark, thanks to the other dogs in the foster home. This breed mix will be best in a home where they get a lot of outdoor physical activity. Mommy Merlot has a prey drive so these pups will as well. The cats in a home may be fine with pups, but once they get older, the chase will begin. We believe that cats outside the home will not do well with this litter once they reach the adult stage. They have not met children yet, but as with all puppies, they will love them. They are currently very gentle with people. Multiple children in a home will not be ideal as the herding instincts may show their true colours once they are older and they will try and herd the children. This litter is paper trained and currently sleeps with a nightlight on. They enjoy music as it is on throughout the day for them. They enjoy the cooler weather. On Friday, May May 14, the litter will have their health exam, first set of vaccines, and be microchipped. This litter has been dewormed every two weeks since birth. They will be ready to leave for their new homes starting Saturday, May 15. A fully fenced yard, and a Veterinarian History of Compliance are mandatory to apply for this litter. We do not accept applications for puppies, with children in the family under the age of 6.